Starting Somewhere in the Middle

I don’t know where to start, or how exactly to make that start.  I’m starting this blog, but I’m somewhere in the middle of my story.  I’m pretty detail-oriented, so summarizing comes a little difficultly for me, but I’m going to give it a shot here.  I was married to my college sweetheart for six years and then in the course of a couple of weeks I lost my job, had what can only be described as a breakup with my therapist, and was left by my husband.

And then my life began.

Tender shoots of hope and joy sprung forth from the barren sorrow in my heart, dreams began taking shape, and I felt like my wings began unfolding.

The figurine in the picture was a gift from my mom.  When my husband left, it was hanging in my kitchen and now she graces a window in my bedroom.  Inscribed on one of her wings is a quote from Helen Keller – “One cannot consent to crawl when one feels an impulse to soar”.